Tuesday, October 9, 2007

yesterday i had some german cooking lessons that were very fun. tim came over and we went shopping and he and kathrin taught me a thing or two. they've promised to give me future lessons on economic german supermarket navigation which i'm looking forward too. i made pasta with chicken and broccoli and mushrooms with kräuterbutter, which is just herbed garlicky butter. it was quite delicious - i must say i was proud of myself. in a little while i'm taking a ballet class, which will hopefully lift my spirits.

speaking of low spirits, i have decided to severely limit my facebook time while i'm here. it is only making me feel really isolated and lonely, and i think it's a better idea to focus on what i have here than what i may or may not have left behind. today i was really productive and got a lot of things done, and tonight i have plans and i should be feeling good about everything right now and not dwelling on bad feelings.

on a better note, i am really enjoying reading other people's abroad blogs and i think i will link them all on mine so that other people can read them easily as well. if you realize that i've linked you, and you don't want me to, feel free to tell me and i'll take it down.

1 comment:

Scottie said...

Oh Rachael,

Don't feel sad anymore! That meal sounds fantastic. I wish my Italian roommies would teach me, but they've totally given up. I really believe that they think I am the dumbest person to come out of America. haha I was also impressed to hear about your decision of cutting off Facebook. I am thinking of doing the same thing with Christmas Music--makes me happy/sad now. Oh dear, Facebook and Christmas Music: Our Xerses. I hope all of your experiences are lovely. Looking forward to reading about them, and also can't wait to see you soon!
Love Always!