Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ive officially begun packing. tonight i'm sorting through all my clothes. tomorrow i'm gonna try to meet up with an old teacher. thursday i have a mini spa day, then dinner with my dad. friday is my last day of work at both jobs. saturday im going in the city and having dinner with mom. sunday im gone. wow wow wowwww so excited. scotty has a blog now too. when i get to berlin i'll send out a mass email with my info and a link to this blog. im excited to see tyler and be in berlin with a familiar face and have someone to freak out with/calm my freakout haha. so pumped but sooooo much to do blahhhh. time to listen to my mixtape and get everything done.

1 comment:

Alexis Carrasquillo said...

Let me be your first comment! Love the blog and I'm so glad you didn't say anything embarrassing about me! Now I can let my friends read it.